appleyoga Media Pack & Brand Guidelines
Company name
Refer to the company as appleyoga or appleyoga Ltd - do not capitalise any letters of "appleyoga" or split into separate words.
Colour scheme
Futura PT - size 42px - font-weight 300 for title: H1
Futura PT - size 31px - font-weight 300 for title: H2
Europa - size 18px - font-weight 400 uppercase for title: H3
Europa - size 18px - font-weight 300 - letter-spacing 0.5px for body text
Katy Appleton bio & links
Katy Appleton, Founder & Director of appleyoga brings more than 30 years of experience and expertise in movement through her career as a ballet dancer, teacher and student of Pilates, body tuning, breath and energy work. She is an internationally recognised teacher and trainer of Vinyasa Flow, published yoga author and has award-winning DVDs for home practice and live online content. She is known for bringing the true essence of yoga alive in a student's body mind in creative, dynamic and life transforming ways. Her teaching is biomechanically savvy whilst fun and playful, invoking a deeper embodied sense of self within a practice.
Katy is a dedicated student, passionate learner, and seasoned educator. Influenced by esteemed mentors like Shiva Rea, Ananta Kranti, Dr Alla Svirinskya, Kerry-Lyn Stanton Downes, Christopher Hareesh Wallace, and Debbie Lewis, her teachings encompass yoga, women's health, wellbeing and psychology. She teaches a wide range of yoga styles such as Kirtan and Mantra, Yoga Nidra, Yin, Yoga Philosophy, Pre and Postnatal Yoga and baby yoga. This extensive background enables her to provide an inclusive and personalized approach to yoga, catering to the unique needs of each individual.
Pregnancy Yoga: Beginner Techniques | Episode 1 | Tonic
Pregnancy Yoga: Standing Flow | Episode 2 | Tonic
Pregnancy Yoga: Third Trimester | Episode 3 | Tonic
Pregnancy Yoga: Poses for Aches & Pains | Episode 4 | Tonic
Pregnancy Yoga: Techniques for Relaxation, Calming and Breathing | Episode 5 | Tonic