Art of Presencing

The practice of yoga has long been understood to be a way of bringing about a deeper connection with your body, to help open up the spaces in your mind and to return you to the stillness where you can begin to remember who you truly are. It invites you to find the courage to meet your vulnerabilities, and to know where you are emotionally entangled. But most importantly, it challenges you to be present – moment by moment – where your awareness is focused entirely on what is rather than what was or what may be.

As all the great teachers remind us presence is a journey, not a destination. It is an art that takes practice if we are to integrate it into our everyday lives – and, in a world full of distractions, judgements and fear this can at times feel difficult to achieve and sustain.

Mastery of Holding Space

The term ‘holding space’ has been around for centuries and is integrated into the everyday language within the yoga teaching community. But what does it really mean?

At its core, ‘holding space’ is about how we show up for each other – the quality of our presence, our willingness to listen and our ability to be fully engaged and yet completely still. To be so deeply connected to the highly unique and non-physical reality of the space that your students begin to move within the field of possibility and potential where they can delve deep into their own individual practice while maintain the safety and consciousness for all.

The ability to hold space is as important as a well thought out flow, or a clean and clear space and in a fast paced, over stimulated world, it is a rare honour to receive.

We will spend two full days together where you will have the opportunity to experientially delve deeper into and discover how to:

  • Ride the waves of emotion so you can begin to quiet the mind

  • Integrate and balance your thinking, feeling and sensing

  • Use your breath as a way to regulate your nervous system and bring you back to your centre

  • Discern between observations and interpretations as a way to support your focus on what is rather than what was or what may be

  • The key elements of ‘holding space’

  • How to identify ‘the space’ and to stay connected to it

  • How to respond to the changes within the space while maintaining the integrity of the class and practice

  • Advance presencing tools and techniques specifically related to ‘holding space’

As always, we will journey together, with curiosity, compassion and care as you begin to master the incredible gift that is 'presence' and ‘holding space’.

If you are already within appleyoga's teacher training program, then successful completion of this course will have earned 20 more hours towards your appleyoga 500hr certificate. If you wish to complete further training with appleyoga after your initial 200hr YA training elsewhere then you are very welcome to email us so we can further support your teacher training education with us.

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Our teacher training course has met the stringent requirements set by Yoga Alliance Professionals. Our graduates are trained to the highest standard and are eligible to register with Yoga Alliance Professionals.

Terms & Conditions


  • 90+ days or more prior to the training date: payments will be refunded, less £200 which is your non-refundable deposit.

  • 89-60 days prior to the training date: payments are not refundable, but are transferable (less the £200 non-refundable deposit) to a future appleyoga training.

  • 59 days or less prior to the training date: payments are not refundable.